Rebecca Alexander
Real Career
- Milligan College, B.A.
- East Tennessee State University, M.Ed.
- Public High School Teacher
- National Marketing Manager, Magnavox
- National Sales Manager, Magnavox Set Record National Sales, Started 120 Stores
- Nationally Known Professional Storyteller
- Former Small Business Owner,
Dillow-Taylor Funeral Home

Conservative Republican • Washington County District 7

Rebecca Alexander
Real Service
- Board of Advisors, Emmanuel Christian
- Seminary at Milligan
- Moms In Prayer
- Boones Creek Christian Church
- Sunday School Teacher
- Hospital Visitation Team
- Helped Start Special Needs Ministry
- Women's Bible Study Leader
- Jonesborough Food Pantry
- Jonesborough Storytelling Guild
“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” - Winston Churchill
Rebecca Alexander
Real Roots
Becky Jo, (4th from left) is a 6th generation Washington Countian, grew
up on a dairy farm and understands hard work.
“Agriculture is the most important industry we have.
Big government is putting small farms out of business.”

How You Can Help!
Mailing Address: Citizens for Real Leadership • P.O. Box 901, Jonesborough, TN 37659
Phone: 423-956-7868 • Email: Becky4TNhouse@gmail.com